john spurlock 2017

"Colleagues: Instead of letting political headwinds distract, we should continue working on our bricks" – @cesifotiWhy science wins in the end – Student
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A summary (long-read)Summary of the Amazon S3 Service Disruption in the Northern Virginia (US-EAST-1) photo
Will Ferrell aging with graceThree Iconic Musicians on Artistic Creation — and Its Importance Now - The New York Timesnytimes.comtwitter photo
Comparative push notification analysis by @casatino

There should really be a public notification archive somewhereI Subscribed To Push Notifications From 12 News Outlets For 3 Months — Here’s What I
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😍 this illustration by @abstractsunday

ForTrump, Putin, and the New Cold War - The New Yorkernewyorker.comtwitter photo
"One day, years from now, I'll read everything I've put into Pocket over the years and finally understand the universe"
Confirmed: @awscloud status page is a complete joke.

while (true) print ✅twitter photo
Bill Paxton is a social construct
Off the listtwitter photo
"Product roadmap visualization company"

Next: Mission Statement as a Service?Roadmunk Raises Seed Round to Help Companies Visualize Product Roadmap –
"Reason evolved to prevent us from getting screwed by the other members of our group."Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds - The New
"♫ get outta my brain ♫"“Charm Assault” by Ride Review |
Code review: -1. Remove unused var, consider removing no-op method.Udacity on Twitter:"A @Google Android scholarship changed @letteringtut's life:"
"Yo, Is This Racist?" podcast firing on all cylinders.

Episode was great, but sadly I must now sit through @thegreatwall (with coffee…)Jenny Yang 👲👲👲 on Twitter:"DID SOMEONE SAY AN HOUR OF DEEP ANALYSIS OF #TheGreatWall? YES PLZ! @yoisthisracist #ThankYouMattDamon #DogOrcs."
"makeshift lake"

one innocuous term + another innocuous term = 💀💀💀NBC Bay Area on Twitter:"Makeshift lake forms inside parking garage at Mineta San Jose International Airport."
I like the email-address-as-root-of-global-namespace idea. Leverage most widely user-deployed decentralized system.Google Online Security Blog: Another option for file
"he doesn't drink but he's naturally drunk"
"It’s bad for Facebook to have so much power, but utilizing it for political ends makes the cost of inaction overt"Manifestos and Monopolies – Stratechery by Ben
"Bad guys can easily create a more convincing phishing spoof, with a free 'domain validated' cert and green lock"Certified Malice – text/plaintextslashplain.comtwitter photo
"If you're ever in a wartime situation, shoot the guy with the camera and then the enemy."

Cold counsel indeed...These Republicans didn't like Trump at first. They do now. -
"You’ll recycle the boxes someday."You Are Not Allowed to Be Funny – The Bold
New York's hottest club is... CRISPR. It has everything, woolly mammoths...Woolly mammoth on verge of resurrection, scientists reveal | Science | The
808 deep state
John McCain as Little Bobby Tablestwitter photo
"It’s true that, for instance, the Gradle build tool is famously developer-hostile."Why is Android Studio still such a gruesome embarrassment? |
UnwarrantedOptimismExceptionjdk9-dev/ at 1f1e32c62957fac471fd49c4d597706cba281e6f · netroby/jdk9-dev ·
"(subsequent builds will be faster)"