"Every intellectual should have to spend a year or two working in a shopping mall, hotel, hospital, or warehouse."Intellectuals are Freaks | The Smart Setthesmartset.com
"1 yr after Google’s parent unveiled transformation — key decisions have yet to be made."Subscribe to readft.com
"Engineers should be solving new and interesting problems, not rebuilding the same apps. That is a job for robots."Coding Is Over – Lauren Mendoza – Mediummedium.com
Annual GSA Allowance for Former Presidentsfas.org
{ _ in }
"it's like motown night at an assisted living facility."
"'tumblr' is aptly named in this case"
"mom companies"
(apps targeted at millennials for basics)
"brands want to become publishers,
publishers want to become tech cos,
tech cos want to become platforms,
platforms want to become brands."
"venti ice water"