"pubmedia peeps"
"the protesters used flaming trump t-shirts"
"the thrilling lives of plants"
"no thank you money"
"self-loathing millennials"
oh! @amazonecho is like bash without bash history. hard to scale past cute demo level
future of the web according to google: dialog box on initial load
"A new version of this app is available. REFRESH"
"This function is also called Daydream."
whoa, I already have #android #daydream on my phone! #io16
eagerly awaiting the inevitable "Resolve Constraint Layout Issues" menu in Android Studio #io16
heh, "daydream"
make america the beer great again
"We take these reports extremely seriously" - guy in a green hoodie, vp of searchCommentsfacebook.com
"an update on the ted cruz campaign"