john spurlock 2015

"Somewhere deep in the bowels of Googleplex, someone is wondering, Why the hell did we shut down Google Reader?"A Quick Notify App Review! – Om
i miss the mini release notes inBuild.VERSION_CODES | Android

or maybe there were no behavior changes this time?twitter photo
"We [facebook] see that [push notifications] as an evolving medium and want to be a part of that."Here's Notify, Facebook's New Twitter-Like App for Following Publishers -
spreaker's new podcast app for android

Introducing the new Spreaker Podcast Radio for

cc @nwquah
"I'm voting for Larry Sanders."
"The menus will look like Android, you know the little hamburger they use on the top."Daring Fireball: 'The Little Hamburger They Use on the Top'
"semi-bespoke burgers"Flipped fortunes: revival at McDonald’s 2015-11-10 |
"computing has become infrastructure, but it doesn’t work like infrastructure."Why Computer Programmers Should Stop Calling Themselves Engineers - The
arms racetwitter photo
"i prefer the term 'podcaster'," said no one.

portmanteau of the day
good #kotlin evaluation article by @OctSkyward:Why Kotlin is my next programming language – Free Code
"data is the new content" - a @jeffjarvis-ism 🙉

so obfuscation is content status quo?
"what makes an economy work is that we figure out things that are worth transacting" great @EconTalker w/ @cesifotiCesar Hidalgo on Why Information Grows | EconTalk | Library of Economics and
"post-literate media" e.g.GIPHY | Search All the GIFs & Make Your Own Animated
"big mergers are like the slow-motion collision of two garbage trucks"
i hate to see this and i love to see on Twitter:"Pragmatic app pricing"
ok, i'm officially intrigued about #amp (i.e. Accelerated Mobile Pages i.e. wap v2015)

A proposal for a common content address URI

e.g. hash://sha256/5669c88ec80e04361e446103
"i made a tremendous fortune"
"history has a habit of keeping going"
tumblr photo
"he's [1] a hairdo with a mouth." [1] brian williams
"A million guys walk into a Silicon Valley bar. No one buys anything. Bar declared massive success."
"the vast minority"
"faux catchy"
"gonzaga comes from the land of imaginary colleges that only exist for the period of march madness."
"it's like linkedin, but for people you've worked with."
“today is the greatest / day i’ve ever known / can't wait for tomorrow / i might not have that long”
"franco-korean war"