i'll see your huntsman's "perfectly lubricated weathervane" and raise you cnn's "mayonnaise sandwich on a silver tray" #yardsignplease
"there are more mobile phones than toothbrushes in the world today"
"even more excited about a $25 mobile device w/ browser, endless apps appear in the hands of a billion school children"What Makes Android Revolutionaryosnews.com
the new york times is canceling all of their podcasts as of yr end 2011 - hoping to shift listeners to paid digital subscribers? (good luck)
"there's also a bit of force closure"
"remember, you are the anti-apple"
dudes, javascript is not "lisp with infix notation"
new jvm flag: -XX:+UnlockCommercialVMOptions #notajoke
"commercial flags support features for which oracle charges a fee for production, though they're free for development"hg.openjdk.java.net
"@Bitbucket: we're back up and running. sorry for the inconceivable." no longer inconceivable i suppose
git push heroku master
nio-based http client proposed for java 8, nice! openjdk.java.net/jeps/110
still not interested in spdy? i wasn't either until this article.belshe.com
♫ frustrated, incorporated
stunning time lapse video of earth as seen by the international space stationEARTH on Vimeovimeo.com
android 4.0.1 source code released - including history (honeycomb 3.x)Google Groupsgroups.google.com
"it was a non-information age"
"an approximate answer to the right question is better than an exact answer to the wrong question"
"rights don't come in bunches"
"please relinquish!"