"it's not the consumers' job to know what they want"
"Software engineering is a misnomer. It’s more like software fabrication. As in fraud." Tumblrtumblr.com #totallyagree
<uniqueVersion>false</uniqueVersion> has no effect in maven 3.x, snapshot artifacts will always be deployed using a timestamped version #doh
♫ "but not so cool man if you care / for all the other boys caught in your bleach job hair" Boys Better - YouTubeyoutube.com (finally saw Dig! docu)
"when the train of history hits a curve, the intellectuals fall off"
"if this, then that" - really cool idea Learn how IFTTT works - IFTTTifttt.com probably won't use it though - too much account info in one place
ten years ago today i awoke to a phone call and a scared, shaken voice. also, ten years is apparently an insignificant amount of time.
with the appengine price hike + new paas's coming out daily,happy to have my own abstraction layer. sometimes abstraction pays off #notoften
"in our times the ability to discover is far more important than the ability to invent"
krugman on this week: "the public should want what i want, but it doesn't"
git push heroku master
"if you want to build a ship, don’t drum up men, divide work, and give orders. instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea."
it's wednesday, august 10, 2011 - and i still hate maven
dow futures down 274. tomorrow will be interesting indeed
migrated core4j.org from svn to mercurial on googlecode #rainydaysareproductive