just updated woxyplaylist.com for the end of the year. top 50 artists/songs spun on @woxy in 2009:j.mp
just updated woxyplaylist.com - top 50 artists/songs spun on @woxy last week:j.mp
just updated woxyplaylist.com - top 50 artists/songs spun on @woxy last week:j.mp
just updated woxyplaylist.com - top 50 artists/songs spun on @woxy last week:j.mp
"good judgment comes from experience, but experience comes from bad judgment"
just updated woxyplaylist.com - top 50 artists/songs spun on @woxy last week:j.mp
just updated woxyplaylist.com - top 50 artists/song spun on @woxy last week:j.mp
"a clean house is a sign of a wasted life"postergods.com
just updated woxyplaylist.com - top 50 artists/songs spun on @woxy last week:j.mp
you finally got my 49 bucks, @visualsvn. nice product!
updated woxyplaylist.com - top 50 artists/songs spun on @woxy last week: j.mp (also opensearch is back)
just updated woxyplaylist.com. top 50 artists/songs spun on @woxy last week:j.mp
just. wow. "hashset<t>. it is a new class in the .net framework 3.5 and is very similar to list<t> only better."stackoverflow.com
i love how fifth-third, keycorp, and nat city are on there. three "giants of finance" from ohio, or at least three massively shrinking ones
rsscloud.cloudapp.net - track rsscloud-enabled feeds in real-time. alpha-testers wanted - not sure how well this will scale...
windows azure is promising, but the deployment/upgrade process is ridiculously slow - envision a guy with a forklift behind the scenes
fatty acids derived from pork bone fat are used as a hardening agent in crayons & also gives them their distinctive smellOne pig, 185 different productskottke.org
non-native-looking scrollbars in "ria" apps bug me. reinventing the wheel, save the innovation for the rest of the appbing.com
congressman joe wilson's website is crashing hard right now...joewilsonforcongress.com