brett kav for cutie
ok google
Everyone else's software design - visualized
"Uber is the waste product of the service economy"
The information-that-agrees-with-me superhighway
"serverless-side rendering" 🤔🙄
Summer me reading tweets
"Most of the scowling comes from an insecure place. The complainers are lofting these thought bullets on social media, after all, where the idea is to publish a patchwork of thoughts, photos, & memes that show others what you’re all about." – @CoffeyGrandeIn Defense of Being on the Phone All the Damn Time – Member Feature Stories –
"Mr. Dorsey said he was thinking deeply about human rights law and listening to audiobooks on speech and expression"
To be fair, the audiobooks on self-awareness are further down in his queue.Inside Twitter’s Struggle Over What Gets Banned - The New York
"cartographical stasis"
"dessert queso"
"I don't quite know how to put this, but our entire field is bad at what we do"xkcd: Voting
Web 2018: "Progressive enhancement! Scale design up and down to zillions of devices!"
Android 2018: "We'll just hard-code the notification icon layout to flow around a hardware notch you don't actually have."Android P only shows four notification icons in the status
"Although the link is the primary form of reference on the Web, underpinning the tangle of connections that make the system so useful, the ability to create new links is a privilege granted only to content producers." – @_joesavageFreeing the Web from the Browser |
"extremely online"
"While in the past it might have been possible to license, steal or copy someone else’s technology, these days that technology can’t be separated from the systems of which it’s a part."Why Do the Biggest Companies Keep Getting Bigger? It’s How They Spend on Tech -