john spurlock 2018

"Listening to an architect of the fast-twitch internet extol the benefits of books and magazines is a little odd, like watching Chef Boyardee open a farm-to-table restaurant."And for His Next Act, Ev Williams Will Fix the Internet - The New York
"I love the old newspaper meme: Why is the news section on the outside of all the other sections? Because when it rains the damage happens to the news section and not all the sections that actually generate the advertising."In conversation with Richard Gingras, VP of Google
😍😍😍 🎧🔁Pitchfork on Twitter:".@BeaccchHoussse's 7 named Best New Music, reviewed by @Jayson_Greene"
Having lived in Boston for ten years, this headline had me going in a completely different directiontwitter photo
"If Google really is set on this new layout, I have a feeling its manufacturer partners simply won't use it."Android P's gesture navigation is bad,
"Horrifying!" "Rudderless!"

I love me some solid Google criticism (and they are a target-rich environment), but seriously these max negative valence tweets just undermine your cred. Twitter version of a click-bait headline.zeynep tufekci on Twitter:"Google Assistant making calls pretending to be human not only without disclosing that it's a bot, but adding"ummm" and"aaah" to deceive the human on the other end with the room cheering it... horrifying. Silicon Valley is ethically lost, rudderless and has not learned a thing."
https∶// 🙄Firefox — Notes (60.0) —
aka a great way to avoid leaking unreleased features via @AndroidPolice apk teardowns 😬😬😬Ben Weiss ⌨️ @ I/O on Twitter:"Learn more about .aab and dynamic delivery here:"
"It was first released in 1982. It's not a new application."
"two-factor auto rotation"Android P Beta hands-on: The best and worst features | Android
Watching these talks, Google for sure has a "machine learning" bonus multiplier this year.

(Similar to the social bonus back in 2011)Click Google +1, Get a Google Employee a Bonus –
👍In Android P, notifications for apps running in the background show if they're using the camera or
"I am in the process of closing my Amazon account, and migrating as much to Google services which seem significantly more robust at stopping these attacks."Amazon’s customer service backdoor – Eric –
Sorry out there to the poor user connecting 31 times a day to offset our usageMitch Lieberman on Twitter:"Average Alexa user connects 16 times per day #C3London #VoiceFirst Emerging Habits…"
Cursive handwriting: end-to-end encryption mechanism against millennial eavesdroppers
This was pretty well-paced this year. Moved along quickly, not too ceo-heavy nor overly preachy (for goog at least).Google Developers on Twitter:"The #io18 Keynote is live!

Join us as we cover the latest product and platform innovations at Google, led by @sundarpichai!

Watch now → …"
And Sign is like 300% smaller 😎 #io18César Puerta on Twitter:"Twitter download size is a 35% smaller using the new app bundles on Android 😁 #io18…"
Contoso implicated in massive AdventureWorks data leakBen Thompson on Twitter:"It's truly a new Microsoft when the first Contoso reference doesn't happen until the 2nd day."
"The industry is amazing because it’s open. Anyone can publish a podcast and distribute it everywhere. No podcast is treated differently. However, “open” is not the default state of markets as they mature, as we’ve seen in other content businesses."Addressing Your Concerns | Shifty Jelly's blog of
"hundreds of billions of pints of data"

In the same way, it's fascinating to think about how a bigtechco would respond if the main cash cow was suddenly removed, faced real existence threat. Massive reserve of smart people forced to quickly create something valuable with no cushion, and no free fish tacos.Jensen Harris on Twitter:"There’s no such thing as a “startup inside of a big company.”

This misnomer actively misleads both big company employees working in such teams as well as people toiling in actual startups.

Despite all best efforts to create megacorp “startups”, they can never exist. Here's why:"
Hehe Cool Edit ProJensen Harris on Twitter:"3) My name in the Outlook reminder sound.

Ok, this one was totally inadvertent. We wanted a new Reminder sound for Outlook 2003, but again, the team who would have made such a sound"didn't have budget.""
Never get high on your own supplytwitter photo
"reddit fora"
"The man didn’t know the first thing about statistics, and he struggled to produce grammatically correct sentences. I’d reward myself with a cake if I found a coherent paragraph. I lost 12lb working in that company."‘I had to guard an empty room’: the rise of the pointless job | Money | The
"To the degree that we honor the military, we should honor those who have suffered, and we should honor those who have saved lives." – @SassyDotLoveThe Trouble with First Person Shooters is Deeper than First Person
A classic in the "An update on" genretwitter photo
"Chrome OS' entrance in the detachable market is a welcome change as Google is finally a serious contender from a platform perspective"Player 3 Has Joined the Game – Chrome OS Detachable Tablets Paint a Brighter Future While Tablet Market Struggles, According to
"The web has grown so fat that calling it open is now pretty meaningless."It’s time to kill the web – Mike’s
"Any old fool can sing the devil's song"