john spurlock 2018

Yea I watched git internals talks ten years ago and it influenced the way I developed systems going forward.

Turns out other people watched them and found their lord and savior.Jean-Baptiste Queru on Twitter:"git was a blockchain before blockchains were cool."
"we need to subtract some of the California from this dialog"
"pathological buffering behavior"
"He came across as a weapons-grade wanker, in my opinion."
So now I guess "we have to" photo
Wake me up when you put the Pnotch on all four sides.ZTE's crazy 'Iceberg' concept has two display
"Nothing here suggests that Bing or Yahoo or Google Images have lost searches. Bing/Yahoo might have grown substantively in the last two years and still be down in terms of their share of market, simply because Google and others grew faster." – @randfishNew Jumpshot 2018 Data: Where Searches Happen on the Web (Google, Amazon, Facebook, & Beyond) | SparkTorosparktoro.comtwitter photo
"I sometimes describe Medium as a system for moving ideas between brains. At Medium we specialize in ideas that require a little space and thought — or, as we also like to say, smart thinking on things that matter." – @evThe Medium Model – Ev Williams –
"Volkswagen has 37 secure storage facilities around the United States housing nearly 300,000 vehicles"VW storing around 300,000 diesels at 37 facilities around U.S. | Reutersreuters.comtwitter photo
"If you’re a media company, journalism isn't about creating safe spaces for people. It’s not about democratically reflecting the consensus of the staff. We’re not crowd-sourcing from our employees a collective institutional position on Trump." – @nycscribe“Journalism Is Not About Creating Safe Spaces”: Inside the Woke Civil War at The New York Times | Vanity
"But supply and demand /will/ kick in. As paywalls go up (and, inevitably, many publishers go out of business), there’s just going to be less great stuff to get for free."The rationalization of publishing – Ev Williams –
Twitter but every account is limited to one tweet, one like, & one retweet per day.
"Try UI before AI."
But it's 40¢/mo per secret! Way off considering $1/mo per KMS key and other solutions exist.Randall Hunt on Twitter:"

AWS Secrets Manager launch! Check out my blog post for more info :)…"
“It’s so important that older generations realize we are not just obsessed with our phones, it’s so much more than that.”Generation Z Is Already Bored by the
👍C. Spencer Beggs on Twitter:"#Nodejs 8 is now available for #AWS Lambda. I can’t *await* to use it."
"The Medium Class"
"Bezos said, “There are companies that work hard to charge you more, and there are companies that work hard to charge you less.” And at Facebook, we are squarely in the camp of the companies that work hard to charge you less."Mark Zuckerberg calls Apple CEO Tim Cook’s critique of Facebook “extremely glib” —
"Aye, 'tis the baiting o'the click."
On @ezraklein's show, he closes each conversation by asking his guests to recommend three books.

He did not ask Mark Zuckerberg.Vox on Twitter:"Mark Zuckerberg talks to @EzraKlein in a brand new episode of #TheEzraKleinShow, out first thing on Monday, April 2. Subscribe now:"
Happy @awscloud lambda day, everybody! 2015-03-31 permanently seared into my brain after staring at too many logs...Document History - AWS
select count(*) from stock_market_reporting where text not like '%plunge%' and text not like '%surge%';
👍Chrome OS will soon be able to mount SMB network shares
Cold. Someone should create a pounce list for next year.Europe dumps 300,000 UK-owned .EU domains into the Brexit bin • The
"The idea of pure thought was biologically incoherent: cognition was always embodied."The Mind-Expanding Ideas of Andy Clark | The New
"At least we consolidate the bad apples in one place."Ad Scammers Need Suckers, and Facebook Helps Find Them -
"heading up global podcast strategy"
"OK Zuck, tell me the current temperature in Menlo Park"Facebook Delays Home-Speaker Unveil Amid Data Crisis -
Tech bubble!Google photo