john spurlock 2009

reading the mvc tutorials. looks like mvc and i are going to get along just fine. will be interested to see alternative view-engines
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mdash is a printing/typesetting term, and it refers to a dash the width of the capital letter "m". the shorter dash is referred to as ndash.
android code style
in the future there will be no phones
rt thephonelounge: t-mobile to release android powered home phone, tablet device -- T-Mobile to Use Google Software in Devices for Home - The New York #android
want a 68 gig downloadable index of the internet?
announcing amazon elastic mapreduce, hadoop as a service:Amazon EMR – Amazon Web
this just in: "data transfer in" to amazon s3 only $0.03 per gb (vs. the standard $0.10) for the next 3 months, april through june. awesome.
azure .net service bus = universal relay service?Azure: Microsoft .NET Service Bus - Airplanes. Cloud Computing. And Alien
looking at silverlight 3 out-of-browser details. limited (no?) additional functionality (still in sandbox). not yet an adobe air competitor
why mit switched from scheme to python ("basic science")Why MIT switched from Scheme to Python | Wisdom and
fascinating discussion re: use of uavs in iraq/afghanistan - so many implications - well worth the ten
sql data services to support tds! weird about-face: Microsoft promises 'first' relational cloud storage • The good move tho
how interesting:State of the Computer Book Market 2008, part 4 � The Languages - O'Reilly
amazon simpledb finally supports select count(*) queries, nice! e.g. select count(*) from mydomain where eyecolor = 'green' just updated - top 50 artists/songs in the last
what happened to managed jscript? (on the dlr) seems to have dropped off of the face of the earth
bespin: web-based code editor from mozilla labs (awesome) just updated! top 50 artists & songs played in the last
word of the day (in the news): schismaticSchismatic - definition of schismatic by The Free
silverlight2 deep zoom + google map tiles = (just updated to sl2 final)
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"toward a unified ontology of cloud computing" - something like this is needed imo, similar to the osi model (pdf)
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windows 7 = fantastic so far. no reason not to upgrade - it feels more "done" than vista ever did...
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liking windows 7 thus far - feels like a vista service pack, very little difference. only daemon tools and live mesh had problems upgrading
is it just me, or does the tumblr login font get larger and larger by the day? (proving a point?)Log in |