I've been recently experimenting with the idea of creating an open source S3 rest api clone that runs as a GAE application. This would allow for "private S3 instances" that leverage the google hosted infrastructure (big-table etc) and your existing S3 tools/applications/processes.
The project has reached a minimum level of functionality as a proof of concept, and is now hosted out on google code.
The core bucket and object-level operations are implemented, as well as support for multiple custom user accounts, ACLs and public-reads. More info on the site on how to configure third-party clients (smoke-tested with s3sync, boto, jets3t/cockpit, resourceful/spaceblock).
There are some obvious limitations right now due to the preview release quotas on GAE - e.g. object size limited to 1MB, and total storage limited to 500MB. The assumption is that these will be lifted or relaxed once the service is pay-as-you-go.
Would love to get people involved in testing and making the implementation more robust. I'm not necessarily a pythonista, so I attempted to write as little of it as possible...
woxyplaylist.com updated - top 50 artists/songs this wk:tinyurl.com
"a web os? are you dense?" (complete with diagrams for the dense)Redirecting...tinyurl.com
at least i hope so. ec2 model is so much more interesting (at first) than appengine model - because of its flexibility. easy transition too.
woxyplaylist.com up to date - top 50 artists & songs this wk:tinyurl.com
woxyplaylist.com up to date - top 50 artists & songs this wk:tinyurl.com
doing some python for the first time in a while. suddenly unit tests seem a thousand times more important...
damn it - the term "cloud" peaking on tech-lingo abuse curve. it's "cl**d" to me from now on...
getting closer to bb bold releasewireless.att.com
woxyplaylist.com updated for the week - top 50 artists/songs since aug15:tinyurl.com
If you want to be famous, you have to do whatever you’re doing worse than anyone else in the whole world.
for those doing wpf/silverlight: what is your naming convention for elements created in xaml? same as instance fields? pascal-case?
heh, all sun downloads have a "with netbeans!" option - thinking of how hilarious a "with visual studio!" option would be for msdn downloads