"'People pretend to have brand deals to seem cool,' Allie said. 'It’s a thing, like, I got this for free while all you losers are paying.'"Influencers Are Faking Brand Deals - The Atlantictheatlantic.com
"Effected" (adjective) when a track has too many damn effects
"Content-Type": "image/jpeg; charset=UTF-8" š¤¦āļø
"early project optimism"
"Evangelical Priestess"
Day after Thanksgiving : Christmas :: Apparently Today : 2020 Election
Dow plunges 800 points amid reports of $MSFT switching to Chromium
"A critic is someone who enters the battlefield after the war is over and shoots the wounded."
Now which of my new projects is immediately getting the codename Magma Shift...
Gain recognize gain
"Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad."
2018's "Slug of the Year" award goes to the @nytimes
"regulate your state"
"Full-stack Javascript developer"
"I don't know what we're doing, but it better have Kubernetes in it"
"we should find a happy median"
What time does the Super Bowl start
"Fast forward to 2018, and we can do everything in a browser. From massive-scale layouts to micro-typography, animation, and video. And what do we do with these incredible possibilities? Containers in containers in containers." — @borismWhy Do All Websites Look the Same? – Member Feature Stories – Mediummedium.com