"One of the most unexpectedly pleasant experiences I had post-quitting was just creating a new Github repo without asking anyone's permission or filling out any paperwork." – @deliberatecoderWhy I Quit Google to Work for Myself - Silly Bitsmtlynch.io
"We'll have to look out for how cynical – how efficient and ruthlessly algorithmic – that next thing is going to be.
'A book,' one author told me, 'is really just a reverse-engineered TED Talk, right? It's a platform that lets you do a speaking tour.'"I have forgotten how to read - The Globe and Mailtheglobeandmail.com
"Some FM roads are officially known as RM, or ranch-to-market, roads because local ranchers objected to being called farmers by implication."Texas Primer: The Farm-to-Market Road – Texas Monthlytexasmonthly.com
"The 'future of virtual reality' group is no longer seated next to Mr. Zuckerberg. Facebook said this was because the group had grown too large. But across Silicon Valley, virtual reality is no longer the buzziest of topics. That honor belongs to AI"Why A.I. Researchers at Google Got Desks Next to the Boss - The New York Timesnytimes.com
"Web-First Android"
"Consuming celebrity"
"Can you nutshell that for me?"
"He compared traditional advertising to dropping bombs on cities—a company can‘t be sure who it hits and who it misses. But with Internet ads, he said, companies can “make lots of spearheads and then get people to impale themselves.”"The Big Switch: ten years on | ROUGH TYPEroughtype.com
"Developers today are geniuses when it comes to using stacks in ways that they were never intended but they are absolutely terrible when it comes to selecting the right stacks for the job to begin with."
"People born in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada after 1989 scored much higher than previous generations for all three kinds of perfectionism, especially socially prescribed perfectionism, which increased at twice the rate of the other two."Under Neoliberalism, You Can Be Your Own Tyrannical Bossjacobinmag.com
"Google's ad revenue has almost caught up to all print ad revenue globally" 😳Axios Media Trends - Axiosaxios.com
"immaterial design"
"If you think you're going to write something like The Brothers Karamazov or Moby-Dick, go ahead. Nobody will read it. I don't care how good it is, or how smart the readers are. Their intentions, their brains are different."Too Much Music: A Failed Experiment In Dedicated Listening : The Record : NPRnpr.org