john spurlock 2017

A Random Walk Down Wall Streettwitter photo
"It is arguably far more valuable to know that the alert achieved a 100 percent open-rate with the user than it is to know that it received thirty-three percent open-rate across that user’s devices."Your pocket is buzzing: 2017 was the year of push alerts and this new report illustrates why » Nieman Journalism
Did you hear about the new hot startup focused exclusively on smart watches? It's called Inessential.Android Police on Twitter:"Android Wear's VP of engineering, David Singleton, leaves Google for Stripe"
Will 2018 finally be the year of VR on the wrist?Android Police on Twitter:"Android Wear's VP of engineering, David Singleton, leaves Google for Stripe"
"Move fast and break things," say run-of-the-mill carjackers
"the big text companies"

Not even wrong.
"Equities were caught in another violent rotation Wednesday, with financial stocks posting the best two-day rally in more than a year as the Nasdaq 100 fell the most since last August’s meltdown."The Tax Bill Is Hurting Tech Stocks - Bloombergbloomberg.comtwitter photo
"Hostage star driven development"
Microsoft Edge is... everything!

"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36 Edge/16.16299"
OhhhhhhhhThe Information on Twitter:"Android founder Andy Rubin left Google in 2014 shortly after an internal investigation determined he had an inappropriate relationship with…"
If  is sitting on an undisclosed ability to push remote unattended security updates, would this bug qualify?

(Happy to be living the Low Sierra life)Convopage on Twitter:"High Sierra root escalation bug found and reported to Apple, courtesy of @lemiorhan. Over a thousand replies already.…"
But the animations when you transition to root are oh so nice.Lemi Orhan Ergin on Twitter:"Dear @AppleSupport, we noticed a *HUGE* security issue at MacOS High Sierra. Anyone can login as"root" with empty password after clicking o…"
Tired: Santa Tracker
Hey @FirefoxNightly, wtf is "dependency greening"?

Probably a typo, but hoping for the newest piece of technodrivelspeak... 🤞🤞These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 28 – Firefox Nightly
Vindication, at last!Drivers Who Merge at the Last Minute May Be Annoying … But They're Right |
New record $GOOGL eod price today: 1,072.01John Spurlock on Twitter:"New record $GOOGL eod price today: 1,058.29"
"More than one in two nomophobes never switch off their mobile phones."Nomophobia -
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Great shots of Tokyo by @AleisterKelmanTokyo Landscape – Aleister Kelman –
Where is the triple short VR ETF?twitter photo
When I was young, I would sometimes keep track of how long the ball was actually in play during a three-hour NFL game, it was under 10 minutes every time.

What a weird kid I was, but also what a strange sport. 🏈📺500ish Words on Twitter:"Pivot from Video"
"kind of magnificent"
Something I've been working on recently. Web app that listens to Medium in on Twitter:"Check out what people are posting on Medium, live!"
"The earth without art is just 'eh.'"
Seasonal bacon arrangement, in jar. Part of this complete breakfast.twitter photo
Amazon Flex, aka Random Dude In Ford Taurus Driving Up To Your House.Amazon's Last
YikesDark Cloud: Inside The Pentagon's Leaked Internet Surveillance
"And a bunch of the publications are going to die or be forced to find another way to fund themselves."There’s a Digital Media Crash. But No One Will Say It – Talking Points
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